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Your soft skills are your natural abilities that cannot be taught at school, they are also referred to as your “people” skills and therefore are directly correlated to your EQ level. Soft skills are defined as your character traits and interactive abilities that affect how you work and interact with others.

Soft skills are very useful across all industries and trades. Employers are more inclined to hire individuals who exercise high levels of EQ over their technical ability (hard skills), this is because job-specific skills are easily taught through educational and training programs. Soft skills can’t be taught!

Here are the top soft skills employers look for when hiring someone:

Communication Skills:

This soft skill is one of the main ingredients for corporate success, but the problem is the phrase “good communication skills” is a term so OVERUSED that it is difficult to pinpoint what exactly it means. Overall, communication relates to a person being able to express themselves positively and clearly, both when speaking or in writing.

Demonstrating strong communication skills is about being able to convey info to others simply and unambiguously.

Good communication skills are perhaps the most basic skill that one can possess as an employee, yet it remains one of the most sought-after by employers.

The Ability to work with a TEAM:

Even if your role seems highly independent and you perform most of it remotely or alone, you still need to communicate with others about what you’ve done. When it comes to working in a team, not everyone is cut out for it. But in reality, teamwork is one of the most vital competencies in most forms of employment, and without it, companies tend to fail.

Generally, employers mean the ability to work with fellow employees in all kinds of situations and with empathy. Teamwork in essence requires not only people skills but also a sense of maturity, which allows the individuals to think above petty misunderstandings that arise.


Teamwork involves helping other members of your team to achieve a common goal quickly and effectively.


It allows you to adjust to changes in your environment. Being adaptable at work means you can respond quickly to changing ideas, responsibilities, expectations, trends, and other processes.

Flexibility is an important soft skill since it demonstrates an ability and willingness to embrace new tasks and challenges calmly and without a fuss. These are employees who are willing to help out where needed, they take on extra responsibilities and can adapt quickly when plans change.

Employers are looking for candidates who can show a willing and upbeat attitude and who are unfazed by the change.


Solving problems is an analytical skill that many employers look for when reviewing candidate application forms. Strong problem-solving skills can be hugely beneficial for your career. This particular skill isn’t restricted to a single sector; but in every sector, problems are inevitable and will arise in one form or another as you go about your day-to-day duties.

There are many definitions of problem-solving – but it focuses on the ability to accurately assess a situation and arrive at a positive solution.

Work Ethic & Time Management:

The ability to work under pressure as many jobs come with demanding deadlines and sometimes, high stakes. Time management is closely related to the ability to work under pressure, as well as tight deadlines.

Employees who manage their time well can efficiently prioritize tasks and organize their diaries while adopting an attitude that allows them to take on new tasks and deadlines.