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There are many different types of work environments that include a combination of physical components, company culture, and the atmosphere. An environment can impact your mood, drive, mental health, and performance.

The importance of implementing a positive work environment should be at the top of the list. Having a good energy workspace is more likely to motivate and engage your staff and lead to higher job satisfaction and employee retention. Not to mention; less stress and tension among employees.

As a candidate looking for your next job opportunity, you need to know yourself and what type of environment you are wanting to be in. When considering a work environment, discover the characteristics and values of your personality type to find one that best suits you. Personality-based work environments include:


This environment promotes physical activity and will be best for more kinesthetic employees, also called ‘doers.’ Those who work well in this environment are often very technically skilled and prefer using tools and working with their hands. Common examples of jobs with realistic environments include engineering, maintenance, and construction.


This type of environment is innovative, experimentation, and encouraging and allows for personal expression. Artistic environments are often best for those known as ‘creators’ who thrive in more flexible and emotional settings. Some careers that work best in this type are in fields like design, fine art, and performance.


Built on critical thinking, experimentation, and problem-solving. Much of the work in this environment involves gathering evidence, studying info, and making conclusions. Employees who are ‘thinkers’ can thrive in these environments.  Typically, in careers like healthcare, engineering, and technology.


This environment promotes communication, helping, and healing between employees. Those who do well in this type of environment are often known as ‘healers’ and have traits such as kindness, empathy, and compassion. Careers that offer social working environments include education, social work, counseling, and nursing.


Built on specificity, predictability, and organization. People who prefer traditional environments are often referred to as ‘organizers’ and work best in settings with clear order, encourage practicality, and value dependability. Roles that exist in conventional work environments include those in finance and assistant positions.